2025 Aviation and Aerospace Day Sponsorships – ASA hosted by Spaceport America

On Monday, March 3, 2025, the New Mexico Airport Managers Association, New Mexico Spaceport Authority and Aerospace States Association will once again host the NM Aviation & Aerospace Day at the NM State Capitol from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. If you would like to participate as an exhibitor and/or sponsor, please fill out registration form below at your earliest convenience.
Gold Sponsorship – $2,000
- All Silver-level perks
- Up to three feature slides in legislative reception slideshow(organizational overview + accomplishments)
- Speaking opportunity at legislative reception
Silver Sponsorship – $1,000
- All Bronze-level perks
- Up to two feature slides in legislative reception slideshow(organizational overview )
- Reserved table for organization at legislative reception
Bronze Sponsorship – $500
- Logo recognition throughout legislative reception
- Up to one feature slide in legislative reception slideshow (organizational overview)
- Verbal recognition during reception welcome
SPONSORSHIPS in any amount are welcome and very much appreciated to cover the cost of Aviation & Aerospace Day and the reception with Legislators on Monday, March 3, 2025.
You will be able to pay online or through a direct deposit. Online purchases with a credit card will come with a 3% credit card fee.
For further inquiries, please contact Arial DeHerrera at arial@newspacenexus.org.
Additional Information:
There is no charge just to exhibit. Although we do have twelve (12) exhibit spaces this year, exhibit tables will be assigned on a first serve, first come basis, and exhibitors WILL HAVE TO SHARE TABLES THIS YEAR.
- A thirty-minute loading/unloading zone is available for your use in the Southeast parking lot – corner of Old Santa Fe Trail and Paseo de Peralta.
- There is no access to the underground parking area.
- Nothing may be taped to the capitol building walls or floors.
- Balloons, open flames and dangerous materials are not permitted.
- Please do not leave your booth unattended. The NM State Capitol Building will not be responsible for personal items left in or around your booth.
- Sale of items is not allowed at any exhibit or public areas of the state capitol building or capitol grounds.
- Donations cannot be solicited. This includes monetary transactions for memberships.
- NMDOT WILL BE providing tables and chairs (two chairs for each table). We will not be providing extension cords or surge protectors.
- Royal Blue Table coverings will be provided.
- Booth take down @ 1:00 p.m.
- NMDOT will pick up tables and chairs @ 12:00 p.m.
- It will be another super fun day with bright smiling faces sharing their LOVE for aviation and aerospace!